Hotels are the lifeblood of every city. Hotels are the pride of cities and such require, not only the latest in technology systems to maintain a true star rating, but they also need to ensure that non-intrusive security is very well entrenched in the day to day operations.
Hotels are also the center of all activity in most countries worldwide, which makes them the focal points of altering major investigations or crimes committed. This is where our expertise comes in. Orbit Security Systems has acquired several big names in the hospitality industry merely through referral and has created city wide security rings on multiple properties of the same chains. We are focused internationally across several countries such as the UAE, Qatar, Iraq, and Brazil, catering to major well-known local and franchised hospitality brands.

From Automatic Number Plate Recognition to large IP Based surveillance systems, we have seen our systems help protect these properties from internal as well as external threats. With a good system in place the Police reaction to incidents decreases and cases are solved quicker.

Find out what our solid team of engineers can do for you: Contact Us

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